zaterdag 27 juni 2009

i love you

my great love


Watch this!
I'm on .
Only the text above isn't really realistic anymore HAHA!

vrijdag 26 juni 2009

Heading to the market


I just woke up, noticed I had a text message from my boyfriend saying Michael Jackson passed away.
Ooh I really adored his music! Rest In Peace.

woensdag 24 juni 2009


The wedding dress

I'm having a wedding the 3rd of July, and I'm wearing this dress!
What do you say?

vrijdag 12 juni 2009


Pretty boring, but I had to work all week.
I really need to shop grrr.....

vrijdag 5 juni 2009


Wearing this today, only it's a little to cold I guess...
And finally after all those months of learning in those damn books
I MADE IT!  and I am trilled
o and do you see that lovely poster at the background? Yes it's James Dean
god i adore him, and especially the poster given by my best friend Susan!

dinsdag 2 juni 2009


Waking up....

And going to bed with these books

I even got a tan by learning so much in the garden, hihi!
Tomorrow 2 exams and I am terrified.
Spanish and English, really...who could do that in one day.
They are totally retarded